Not In Our Strength But His Sunday, January 4, 2009 – 10:46 AM

Covered by the shadow of His wings, His heart song for you, to be the Light He brings, covered in the fortress of His mighty love and strength, oh He will set your feet to dancing, and make your feet as hinds feet, He will give you the power to leap over high things, He will give you the courage that you need, Oh look up for Your redeemer is your strength. You are a city set on a hill, high and lifted up, for He is the lifter of thine head. He will give you the grace, the love, and the mercy to face the enemy head on, Oh My child be ever so courageous and strong!

He’s the symphony of the orchestrated strings, He’s the melody of the heart, that truly rings, He’s the amazement of a miracle, He is your source, and strength, the way maker, of every appointed destiny, and
dream, He rides upon the wings of the wind, He’s the fire, and the breath of life, He is the flame, that ignites,
a spark of life, He can make you powerful, in the power of His might.

Without Him we are nothing, we are limited in our strength, He undergirds us with eagles wings,
We cannot comprehend, or fathom, His wonderous ways, but we know that it’s His limitless love, that
gives us everything, rise up, and declare His ways, there’s nothing impossible, nothing incomplete, when
we walk with Jesus, and He will raise us to rise above defeat!

Lisa Beth Jenkins Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved